1. All my books. It's going to be reeeaaally difficult to be without all my books. When you read as much as I do, you need to have a constant stream of them, and I don't really see that happening. I'm only going to take five with me, and I have no clue how to choose. The only book that I absolutely KNOW I'm taking is my Complete Works of Shakespeare. Guess I need to hurry and decide...
2. My car. Being able to drive wherever the heck I want, when I want makes me feel great. It will be a completely new experience to me to have to take the subway or a bus.
3. Taco Bandito. Sigh...yeah. Really going to miss their bean burritos with extra sauce.
4. The stars. I'm a nighttime type of gal. When I can't see the stars that well, it makes me a little sad, so living in a big city is going to be tough.
Things I'll Miss In Korea
Brought to You by:
on Friday, July 16, 2010
Keywords! :
South Korea,
7 Raindrops:
Well I have a little bit of good news for you. Once you start getting paid ther's a nift little place not too far from you called What The Book. It's run by westerners and they even take orders on their website and deliver to your door! Watch your wallet though, it can get addictive. As for the rest of those things, yeah, can't help you there. I haven't been here for too long and I'm about a two hour train ride from you but if you have any questions let me know.
Yeah, but the problem with that is that it's a bit annoying to just have to go out and buy books you have at home. I'm one of those people who re-reads books all the time, so that's what I'd be doing.
I'm the same way. I have my favorite authors and I used to reread them with reckless abandon. Probably went through ten copies of Neuromancer. Wel, best of luck and again, if you have any questions let me know
Hey there is this cool thing called a Library!! I'm sure there are libraries in Korea. And all the bright lights will make up for the stars!
Well hey, I never realized you were a fellow escapee from Oklahoma. Did you make it over here?
yeah, i'm here. haven't had much time lately to update anything. if you're ever in the balsan station area of seoul, you should come see me.
I'm sure that's doable. I try to make it into Seoul on the weekends, if for no other reason than to get out of Suwon. I don't get out much during the week with my job.
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