It has been awhile. For this I most profusely apologize. For some reason, I can't seem to drum up any desire to post anything lately.
Started a new job. The most I can say about it is that it's a job. Just a way to earn money. I really can't say that I enjoy it, because that would most definitely be a lie.
I decided that if nothing is done or heard on the Korea front by the end of June, I'm just going to find a place to rent here. Not the most exciting idea, but I have to live, and not put my life on hold any longer. I need to get away from my parents' house. I need to have a place that is just mine. Well, and Loki's, of course.
It has been raining every day for the past three or four days here in Enid. This makes me happy, naturally. Today I opened the huge window in my bedroom, sat at my desk(my desk is right in front of my window. helps to have it there when I'm drawing or painting), and just gazed out upon the world. The rain made the whole scene green-tinted. It was quite picturesque, let me tell you. I mean, it was hard to ignore all the other houses, and my dad's truck, but I did my best. There's nothing like the smell of the air when it rains. The combination of moist earth and water makes the cool air something to be savored.