The State of My Union

I've been giving some thought lately to the state of things in my life.

When I graduated in December, I thought that I would be in Korea by now. Now, obviously, that has not happened. I guess things just fall through sometimes. I find it severely disappointing, but I suppose I can wait for a few more months until I find something else.

Until then, I can concentrate on making as much money as I possibly can. Sounds good, right? I can start paying off my bills, and put the rest in the bank. Probably the best thing I could do for myself.

As for the state of my relationships with people, well, those are complicated.

Things with my parents are probably getting tense. I feel like I'm invading their space. Conflicts happen. The plan was to live here for just a few months. But what was maybe four months has turned to seven, and that was definitely not in my plans. I hate imposing on them, and I also need my own place and my freedom.

Friendships are good, although I don't see said friends very much. This needs to change. We need to make plans to hang out more often. Even going to get coffee every now and then would be a welcome change.

Now a biggie: guys. Yeah, there is nothing new OR old on that front, I'm afraid. Now, in some ways, this is good. That way I can concentrate on work. It also won't lead to any awkward or hard good-byes in the months to come. But UGH. Come on. Once in awhile, a girl needs at least a hug. Maybe a kiss or two as well. :)

So as a recap, nothing has really gone according to plan in the past few months. However, new opportunities come up every day. Just have to look on the bright side and keep a optimistic attitude.

Too bad I'm a pessimist.


Probably my favorite song right now. Something about this man's music just speaks to my soul. It's kind of bad though, because everytime I hear this song, I start crying a little.